Adventure Time


Game Wizard

Adventure Time: Game Wizard was the first game I worked on at Pixel Press, in collaboration with Grumpyface Studios and Cartoon Network. Having followed in the footsteps of Floors (the game that launched Pixel Press via Kickstarter), Game Wizard is a 2D platformer with a substantial level editor. Also similarly, players could draw levels on graph paper using a set of symbols, then use a mobile device's camera to "scan" their designs into the game.

Pixel Press handled the level editor and game sharing aspects, while Grumpyface was responsible for gameplay and the vast majority of the game's art. I don't know who it was between Grumpyface and Cartoon Network, but someone is responsible for bringing "Weird Al" Yankovic's vocal talents to bear on the wily "Doodle Wizard".

My Role

I was fresh out of college coming into this project, mostly tasked with bug fixes and optimization to prevent crashes due to memory pressure. The tasks where I had more authorship pertained to the level editor. Specifically, the multi-touch pan and zoom controls, and efficiently rendering in-game art in the editor viewport. It was a fun project to be a part of, and a nice way to kick off a career in game development.